Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Battle of Hamburger Hill in the Vietnam War

Battle of Hamburger Hill in the Vietnam War The Battle of Hamburger Hill was fought May 10-20, 1969, during the Vietnam War (1955-1975). In late spring 1969, American and South Vietnamese forces commenced Operation Apache Snow with the intent of driving North Vietnamese troops from the A Shau Valley. As the operation moved forward, heavy fighting developed around Hill 937. This soon became the focus of the battle and additional American forces were committed with the goal of securing the hill. After a grinding, bloody fight, Hill 937 was secured. The fighting on Hill 937 was covered extensively by the press who questioned why the battle was necessary. This public relations problem escalated when the hill was abandoned fifteen days after its capture. Fast Facts: Battle of Hamburger Hill Conflict: Vietnam War (1955-1975)Date: May 10-20, 1969Armies Commanders:United StatesMajor General Melvin Zaisapprox. 1,800 menNorth VietnamMa Vinh Lanapprox. 1,500 menCasualties:United States: 70 killed and 372 woundedNorth Vietnam: Approximately 630 killed Background In 1969, US troops began Operation Apache Snow with the goal of clearing the Peoples Army of Vietnam (PAVN) from the A Shau Valley in South Vietnam. Located near the border with Laos, the valley had become an infiltration route into South Vietnam and a haven for PAVN forces. A three-part operation, the second phase commenced on May 10, 1969, as elements of Colonel John Conmeys 3rd Brigade of the 101st Airborne moved into the valley. Among Conmeys forces were the 3rd Battalion, 187th Infantry (Lieutenant Colonel Weldon Honeycutt), 2nd Battalion, 501st Infantry (Lieutenant Colonel Robert German), and the 1st Battalion, 506th Infantry (Lt. Colonel John Bowers). These units were supported by the 9th Marines and the 3rd Battalion, 5th Cavalry, as well as elements of the Army of Vietnam. The A Shau Valley was covered in thick jungle and dominated by Ap Bia Mountain, which had been designated Hill 937. Unconnected to the surrounding ridges, Hill 937 stood alone and, like the surrounding valley, was heavily forested. Moving Out Terming the operation a reconnaissance in force, Conmeys forces began operations with two ARVN battalions cutting the road at the base of the valley while the Marines and 3/5th Cavalry pushed towards the Laotian border. The battalions from the 3rd Brigade were ordered to search and destroy PAVN forces in their own areas of the valley. As his troops were air mobile, Conmey planned to shift units rapidly should one encounter strong resistance. While contact was light on May 10, it intensified the following day when the 3/187th approached the base of Hill 937. Sending two companies to search the north and northwest ridges of the hill, Honeycutt ordered Bravo and Charlie companies to move towards the summit by different routes. Late in the day, Bravo met stiff PAVN resistance and helicopter gunships were brought in for support. These mistook the 3/187ths landing zone for PAVN camp and opened fire killing two and wounding thirty-five. This was the first of several friendly fire incidents during the battle as the thick jungle made identifying targets difficult. Following this incident, the 3/187th retreated into defensive positions for the night. Fighting for the Hill Over the next two days, Honeycutt attempted to push his battalion into positions where they could launch a coordinated assault. This was hampered by difficult terrain and fierce PAVN resistance. As they moved around the hill, they found that the North Vietnamese had constructed an elaborate system of bunkers and trenches. Seeing the focus of the battle shifting to Hill 937, Conmey shifted the 1/506th to the south side of the hill. Bravo Company was airlifted to the area, but the remainder of the battalion traveled by foot and did not arrive in force until May 19. Soldiers inspecting the damage in the surrounding area of Dong Ap Bia during Operation Apache Snow, May 1969. US Army Military History Institute On May 14 and 15, Honeycutt launched attacks against PAVN positions with little success. The next two days saw elements of the 1/506th probing the southern slope. American efforts were frequently hindered by the thick jungle which made air-lifting forces around the hill impractical. As the battle raged, much of the foliage around the summit of the hill was eliminated by napalm and artillery fire which was used to reduce the PAVN bunkers. On May 18, Conmey ordered a coordinated assault with the 3/187th attacking from the north and the 1/506th attacking from the south. Final Assaults Storming forward, Delta Company of the 3/187th almost took the summit but was beaten back with heavy casualties. The 1/506th was able to take the southern crest, Hill 900, but met heavy resistance during the fighting. On May 18, the commander of the 101st Airborne, Major General Melvin Zais, arrived and decided to commit three addition battalions to the battle as well as ordered that the 3/187th, which had suffered 60% casualties, be relieved. Protesting, Honeycutt was able to keep his men in the field for the final assault. US Army Photographer and assistant climbing through the devastated landscape on Dong Ap Bia after the battle. US Army Military History Institute Landing two battalions on the northeast and southeast slopes, Zais and Conmey launched an all-out assault on the hill at 10:00 AM on May 20. Overwhelming the defenders, the 3/187th took the summit around noon and operations began to reduce the remaining PAVN bunkers. By 5:00 PM, Hill 937 had been secured. Aftermath Due to the grinding nature of the fighting on Hill 937, it became known as Hamburger Hill. This also pays homage to a similar fight during the Korean War known as the Battle of Pork Chop Hill. In the fighting, US and ARVN forces suffered 70 killed and 372 wounded. Total PAVN casualties are unknown, but 630 bodies were found on the hill after the battle. Heavily covered by the press, the necessity of the fighting on Hill 937 was questioned by the public and stirred controversy in Washington. This was worsened by the 101sts abandonment of the hill on June 5. As a result of this public and political pressure, General Creighton Abrams altered US strategy in Vietnam from one of maximum pressure to protective reaction in an effort to lower casualties.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Foreign Policy Under Thomas Jefferson

Foreign Policy Under Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson, a Democrat-Republican, won the presidency from John Adams in the election of 1800. Highs and lows marked his foreign policy initiatives, which included the spectacularly successful Louisiana Purchase, and the horrid Embargo Act. Years in Office: first term, 1801-1805; second term, 1805-1809. Foreign Policy Ranking: first term, good; second term, disastrous Barbary War Jefferson was the first president to commit US forces to a foreign war. Barbary pirates, sailing from Tripoli (now the capital of Libya) and other places in North Africa, had long demanded tribute payments from American merchant ships plying the Mediterranean Sea. In 1801, however, they raised their demands, and Jefferson demanded an end to the practice of bribe payments. Jefferson sent US Navy ships and a contingent of Marines to Tripoli, where a brief engagement with pirates marked the United States first successful overseas venture. The conflict also helped convince Jefferson, never a supporter of large standing armies, that the United States needed a professionally trained military officer cadre. As such, he signed legislation to create the United States Military Academy at West Point. Louisiana Purchase In 1763, France lost the French and Indian War to Great Britain. Before the Treaty of Paris of 1763 stripped it permanently of all territory in North America, France ceded Louisiana (a roughly defined territory west of the Mississippi River and south of the 49th Parallel) to Spain for diplomatic safe-keeping. France planned to retrieve it from Spain in the future. The deal made Spain nervous as it feared to lose the territory, first to Great Britain, then to the United States after 1783. To prevent incursions, Spain periodically shut down the Mississippi to Anglo-American trade. President Washington, through Pinckneys Treaty in 1796, negotiated an end to Spanish interference on the river. In 1802, Napoleon, now emperor of France, made plans to reclaim Louisiana from Spain. Jefferson recognized that French reacquisition of Louisiana would negate Pinckneys Treaty, and he sent a diplomatic delegation to Paris to renegotiate it. In the meantime, a military corps that Napoleon had sent to reoccupy New Orleans had run afoul of disease and revolution in Haiti. It subsequently abandoned its mission, causing Napoleon to consider Louisiana too costly and cumbersome to maintain. Upon meeting the US delegation, Napoleons ministers offered to sell the United States all of Louisiana for $15 million. The diplomats did not have the authority to make the purchase, so they wrote to Jefferson and waited weeks for a response. Jefferson favored a strict interpretation of the Constitution; that is, he did not favor wide latitude in interpreting the document. He abruptly switched to a loose constitutional interpretation of executive authority and okayed the purchase. In doing so, he doubled the size of the United States cheaply and without warfare. The Louisiana Purchase was Jeffersons greatest diplomatic and foreign policy achievement. Embargo Act When fighting between France and England intensified, Jefferson tried to craft a foreign policy that allowed the United States to trade with both belligerents without taking sides in their war. That was impossible, given that both sides considered trade with the other a de facto act of war. While both countries violated American neutral trade rights with a series of trade restrictions, the United States considered Great Britain to be the biggest violator because of its practice of impressment- kidnapping US sailors from American ships to serve in the British navy. In 1806, Congress- now controlled by Democrat-Republicans- passed the Non-Importation Act, which prohibited the import of certain goods from the British Empire. The act did no good, and both Great Britain and France continued to deny American neutral rights. Congress and Jefferson ultimately responded with the Embargo Act in 1807. The act, believe it or not, prohibited American trade with all nations- period. Certainly, the act contained loopholes, and some foreign goods came in while smugglers got some American goods out. But the act stopped the bulk of American trade, hurting the nations economy. In fact, it wrecked the economy of New England, which relied almost exclusively on trade to support its economy. The act rested, in part, on Jeffersons inability to craft a creative foreign policy for the situation. It also pointed out American arrogance which believed the major European nations would cave in without American goods. The Embargo Act failed, and Jefferson ended it just days before he left office in March 1809. It marked the lowest point of his foreign policy attempts.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Customer Relation Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Customer Relation Management - Essay Example well as through its online shopping option enabling the customers to buy their required products and avail the demanded services from the comfort of their own home and place of work. It has been observed amongst the competitors as well as the other online and brick and mortar shop based retailers that the businesses are increasing loyalty and retaining customers by employing the strategy of offering them a debit and / or a credit based loyalty cards to them, similar to the strategy employed by Pathmark. These cards provide the customers the facility of buying products on credit while availing loyalty based discounts and benefits on their purchased, in case of a credit loyalty card. With the debit loyalty card the customers are able to pay for their purchases without cash, through their own personal account while still availing loyalty based benefits and discounts on their purchases. The strategy for loyalty cards is being employed by well known retailers like Wal-Mart, Marks & Spencers,, Pizza Hut, Subway, Gap, Banana Republic, Old navy, Victoria’s Secret etc. â€Å""Loyalty is more important than ever in retailing today, and the way you create loyalty is through credit," says Leonard Leff, president and chief executive officer of† (Murphy, 2001) The loyalty credit & debit based loyalty cards are being using by traditional retailing giants as well as the online retailers in order to attract the customers, motivate them to spend more on their purchases, establish the brand of the company/ retail store as well as increase repeat purchase behavior. Best Buy Stores can initiate a loyalty card based program which is linked to a credit facility provided to the customers. The company will have to form affiliations and a contract with credit providing companies for launching this product. The benefit of this loyalty program would be that the customers would be able to buy the products that they want by simply using Best Buy loyalty card

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Negotiation and Conflict Week 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Negotiation and Conflict Week 1 - Essay Example The rules and the regulations set by the authorities in the organization have not been accepted by the employees, as a result of which conflict has arisen. Thus, it is required for the teams that work in the organization to discuss with the director of the organization and have a justification of the newly assigned rules and regulations. The employees who worked in a team had disagreed to take the assignments from the manager which initiated the conflict. As the manager is selected by the director to work with the team, it is required for the team to obey the changes made by the manager. The team which worked under the jurisdiction of the organization from the beginning and was working under the manager of the organization had denied working with the manager because of his certain newly enacted strict regulations. The team felt that a few new regulations were unfair to them. However, it can be said that different managers have diverse ways of handling the teams and working for the be tterment of the organization. Thus, it is needed for the team who are working with the managers to know his role and provide their consents to those regulations and ways of his works. It is essential for the team to know the work process of the manager so that it becomes easier for the team to work with. Violating the boundary of the organization or not meeting with the expectations of the organization is also a concern that has arisen from the situation of conflict. The decision earlier taken by the team of not complying with the orders of the manager is needed to be reassessed (McCuddy, 2003). Moreover, it is also required for the team to have a discussion with the manager and communicate with him to know his ideas for obtaining results from the assigned works and to identify and discuss the right ways for reaching the goals. If the expectations are not met by the organization, it is needed to make an assessment of the expectations which are to be made to ensure the efficiency of the organization. If there is any deficiency in the rules and the regulations it should be amended or reallocated and explanation from the higher-level administrators is required to be provided for effective functioning of the organization. The conflict also has arisen due to changes brought in work process and rules. The previous manager had his own rules and schedules of work process which were ultimately changed by the new manger appointed to the organization and assigned to operate the team. The new manager set up his own rules and regulations without informing the team. As a result, the new rules which are set up have been majority of the times disobeyed by the team. The working hours of the organization i.e. the work schedule for the organization had also been changed which has also not been accepted by the teams of the organization. Due to the fact that the new manager is appointed by the organization, it is required for the team to have a discussion about the new work schedu le rather than directly not adhering to the changed work process, which would hamper the working procedure and schedule (Furlong, 2005). Thus, this is the major conflict situation which is required to be amended as it has been creating a significant detrimental effect on the employees’

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Chicken Run Essay Example for Free

Chicken Run Essay During 2005, Encik Selamat, a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), was transferred from another subsidiary of PCK Holding, which dealt in the business of transportation to poultry and meat business, Excel Poultry and Meat Sdn Bhd (EPM). En Selamat was initially reluctant to accept the position as he lack of expertise in poultry and meat industry. However, later, he accepts and undertakes the position of General Manager in EPM as a new challenge to him. For the first three (3) years, he managed to handle the company smoothly. However, during the closing year end of 2008, the company has faced with tremendous operational crises. Thus, this report will identify and give recommendations on the issues arise in the company. There are two main issues or problems is being identified in this company, which are, increase in price of chicken feed and credit control and managerial problems. For the first issue, regarding the rise of chicken feed price, it is recommended for EPM to plant fast growing trees such as maize tree, trichanthera gigantea tree (fodder tree), or mulberry tree. These three trees have been proved by many researches and farmers all over the Asian countries as the alternative or substitute of commercial chicken feed. By consuming half or thirty percent (30%) of the substitute chicken feeds, this may reduce the existing cost of production. Moreover, it is cheap, fast and easy to plant these trees. In addition, the plant can be used for another purpose of business and may generate income. For example, one maize tree can produce 4 corns in a year and EPM can sell them and make money out of it. Same goes to trichanthera gigantea tree, the leaves and plants not only can be feed to chicken but many other animals such as, cows, goats, ducks, pigs, horses and many more. Thus, EPM can sell their leaves to other farmers and this can help them increase their income. Mulberry tree proves to have more uses. By fully utilize the tree, EPM can generates income in short term as well as in long term. The leaf can be made as tea powder, and can raise silk worm thus they can make silk cloth. The fruit itself can be made as foods or drinks such as wine, pies, tart, jelly jams and juice. Also, the bark or wood can be use to produce paper and furniture. Another way to reduce cost is by placing the breeder chickens in a free range farm. When the chickens are freely place in an open farm and freely eat whatever on the field such as worms, trees, and grass, the commercial chicken feeds will be lessen. Thus, this will give cost reduction for EPM. The commercial chicken feed is necessary for the chicken to consume as it contains all nutrition needed by all chicken. Thus, EPM may still bear the high price of commercial chicken feed. The price of chicken feed is uncontrollable by EPM, but not the sales of EPM. Therefore, there are many ways of increasing the income of the company. EPM can sell chicken eggs, chicken manure, as well as chicken feather to boost their income. Other than that, EPM may collaborate with East Coast Economic Region (ECER) and open branch in Mersing, Johor. The collaboration with ECER program will help to bring the company‘s name throughout nationwide. It is in line with the goal of ECER to increase the poultry output by 35% between years of 2005 to 2010. ECER program may also helps EPM to transform into major international and local tourism destination and exporter of resources and manufactured chicken poultry. The second issue in the company is on the credit control and managerial problem. Based on the case of financial reports of EPM, the costs of sales incur increasing closely and nearly to the revenue earned each year and the trade receivables amount also increase each year. The account receivable turnover ratio for the year 2006, 2007 and 2008 are 4. 307, 3. 396 and 2. 88 respectively. It shows the decrease in efficiency of a business in collecting its credit sales. Also, the trade receivable percentage of increase for the year 2007 and 2008 are 27. 56% and 60. 49% respectively. This shows that the account receivable increase drastically during the year. Therefore, this proves that ECM is having a weak credit control. It has being identified that the marketing department continued to supply chicken to Gold Cold Sdn Bhd (GCSB) even though GCSB has exceeded its credit limit. Thus, it is suggested for EPM to offer GCSB for cash discount to encourage early debt payment or cash sales. For example, offer 20% discount if they make payment within 1 week. Other alternative is that EPM should limit the supply to GCSB until they make payment of debts. Besides that, instead of Encik Selamat, the credit collection department staff should directly communicate to GCSB regarding the payment and supply of chicken. Not only that, EPM should send monthly credit sales statement to GCSB and remind GCSB about their debts through phone calls for instance. Instead of highly dependent on the sales from GCSB, the company may approach for more supplying tenders and contracts. For example, they can approach Ayamas Food Corporation Sdn Bhd, Ayam A1 Corporation Sdn Bhd, and all giant superstores. Also, they can carry out open tender instead of close tender to promote broader markets. Other than weak credit control, the company also has weak credit management. In this case, Puan Azura only concerned on sending reminders to debtors when she thought that auditors will be checking on that matters. Also, the records produced by Puan Azura are not similar with the figure from the confirmation letter by Mr. Siva. Therefore, the recommendation for EPM to solve the problem is, Puan Azura should be asked to send the monthly debtor statement regardless whether the auditor will be checking on her works or not. Other than that, the duties of employees should be segregated. For example, person whom collects the cash (Encik Munir) differs with the one whom updates the reports (Puan Azura) and the transaction should be verified by other personnel (Ms Choy). Furthermore, all the different personnel from different department must be communicated to each other to avoid error. Besides, managerial problems also arise in the company. From the case, we noticed that there is no supervision of Encik Kassim works by Encik Selamat. This problem can be solved by having more supervision over their staffs’ works by Encik Selamat as well as by board of directors. This can reduce the opportunity of fraud and misappropriate of company’s assets by their staffs. Other managerial problem is that, Encik Selamat was having personal meeting wih Encik Azman, the executive director of GCSB regarding their business and debt collection. The personal meeting should be avoided as it can lead to personal interest threats. Therefore, EPM must establish proper procedures for debt collection. Furthermore, EPM must as well establish and communicate a code of ethics which includes guidelines to be followed by debtors and employees with regards to debt collection. Even though there are many wrongdoings done by Encik Selamat, directors are reluctant to take any action against Encik Selamat. Therefore, it is highly recommended that PCK holding, the parent company, to change the directors. New directors may give new aspirations and directions for the company to continue to survive and succeed in the poultry industry. By solving all these problems, EPM may boost their performance for the next year onwards.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Powerful Message of Becketts That Time :: That Time Essays

The Powerful Message of Beckett's That Time       Samuel Beckett's That Time is a play that delves deep into the human psyche, exposing the audience to the potential effect and consequence of one continually living in the past. Lack of punctuation and fragmented repetition make the play rather challenging to grasp yet effectively mirrors the purpose that Beckett has intended in this work. In That Time Beckett dramatically illustrates several common downfalls to human nature, which ultimately act as plagues against the mind, such as the avoidance of the present in the continual analysis and obsession of the past, and the uncomforting effect of silence. Through the use of stream-of-consciousness and three alternating voices which flow almost entirely without a break, Beckett truly taps into the core of human consciousness and one of man's most extreme fears, the fear of the void, of nothingness, of never being able to recreate "that time" again.    As is common to Beckett's work, the stage setting for this play relies very little upon flashy backdrops and a multitude of characters, and more so upon the mood that the scene creates. He presents only the bare necessity, achieving a scene that is able to expose stark honesty.    Curtains. Stage in darkness. Fade up to listener's face about ten feet above stage level midstage off center. Old white face, long flaring white hair as if seen from above outspread. Voices A B C are his own coming to him from both sides and above. They modulate back and forth without any break in general flow except when silence indicated (Collected Shorter Plays 228)    The simplicity of the scene places all of the emphasis upon the voices and those rare moments in which there is silence, thus, pulling the audience directly into the mind of the bodiless head. Beckett has utilized this technique in several of his other plays, such as Krapp's Last Tape in which the setting is merely "a small table, the two drawers of which open towards the audience. Sitting at the table, i.e. across from the drawers, a wearish old man" (55). This effect is also present in Eh Joe, a television play by Beckett in which "Joe's opening movements followed by cameras at constant remove, Joe full length in frame throughout" (Casando and Other Short Dramatic Pieces 35).

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Attitudes Towards Test Tube Babies

Attitudes towards Test Tube Babies [pic] Name of Student: Yuhan Huang (Sheley) AE teacher: Michelle Crockford AE Class: February 4 Abstract The objective of this report is to present the attitudes and ideas shared by International Education Services Limited (IES) students and students from the university of Queensland (UQ) in relation to their knowledge and personal opinions concerning Invitro fertilization The survey used data collected from male and female students between the ages of 15 and 30 living in the State of Queensland.The participants were given 20 questions to answer in privacy and without any degree of pressure. The questions related to their personal details and to the IVF program in particular. The aim of the investigation was to gather an overall point of view as to whether IVF was indeed seen as an accepted type of program among this age group. In conclusion it is reasonable to think that another survey with an older more experienced age group would more likely give a variation in results. Because this selected age group were students, their knowledge and experience directly with IVF was limited.However, it is important to recoginse the opinions of youth as they are the future generation of adults. Introduction In recent years, babies conceived through in-vitro fertilization (IVF) have been a topic of moral discussion around the world. This form of reproduction is not considered a natural and acceptable way of giving birth in some people’s eyes. Many infertile couples in particular, rely on this new technology since it allows them the choice of having their baby using this method. In-vitro fertilization is defined by, â€Å"a process by which egg cells are fertilised by sperm outside the womb (Papanikolaou et al. 006)†. The definition of a test tube baby is one which is the result of a female ovary or egg having been fertilised with a male sperm inside a test tube, the resulting impregnated egg is implanted in the uterus of a fem ale, growing into a foetus and developing baby by the time of birth. (Muffin, 2007). According to Walsh (2008), three million test tube babies have been born throughout the world in this way so far, and this number continues to increase at a rate of eleven thousand each year.In 1978, the world’s first successful â€Å"test-tube† baby, Louise Brown, was born in Great Britain. The baby girl weighed five-pound 12- ounces and was delivered early via Caesarean section. The process had been a success; this process proved Dr. Steptoe and Dr. Edwards had accomplished the first of many test tube babies (Rosenberg, 1970). In Australia, the first test tube baby, Candice Elizabeth Reed, was born in 1980 (Screen Australia, 1982). Infertility afflicts thousand’s of married couples feeling frustration at being childless.In India, there is an infertility clinic which provides moral, emotional and the most advanced technical support for couples wishing to solve their fertility i ssues. However, the religion of Islam is totally against IVF and has been banned by the by Islamic Fiqh Council (1986). In addition, they thought that in-vitro fertilization was unlawful because it could result in confusion with regard to parentage (Islamic Perspective, 2007). Prior to the birth of the first test tube babies such as Louise Brown, people worldwide were hesitant to use this method thinking that there could be risks involved.However, in time the health and well being of those babies born through IVF programs have proven to the world that this method is indeed safe. Hence the fears have almost disappeared. However, many people still have many misconceptions about a test tube baby and some countries do not allow the manufacturing of test tube babies. If a baby can be created in a test tube, then infertile couples stand a better chance of having a family then by other means. The aim of this report is to examine the attitudes of people towards the adoption of in vitro-fert ilization.This paper will first discus the methodology and select the survey question from this research, then a summary of the questionnaire results will be introduced,   followed by a discussion, conclusion and recommendations. Method In this report, quantitative methodology was chosen for this research. Because of the complexities associated with unstructured interview technique and time constraints. A questionnaire was designed to examine the different opinions of International Education Services Limited (IES) and University of Queensland (UQ) students attitude towards the adoption of in vitro-fertilization (refer Appendix A).The main types of questions asked included; those about personal details and personal experiences together with questions on people’s points of view about in–vitro fertilization. There were 30 students who were all volunteers. 10 out of participants were male and 20 of them were female. The students were chosen randomly from state library an d UQ library all full time students between the ages of 15 to 30. Religion, political affiliation and socio-economic status were considered unimportant. Confidentiality was ensured by not recording names.Questionnaires were completed by students and the data was then collated and analysed. The questionnaire was limited by the fact that many of the participants were too young to have had any real personal experience in dealing with IVF, however some were able to relate to friends or family who had used the IVF program successfully. Some of the participants only vaguely knew any of factual or historical knowledge about IVF. The interest that the questionnaire generated among participants and their honest and forthright answers proved to be a bonus as far as the questionnaire was concerned.Interpretation of Results Questions 1 and 2 were basic and asked about personal knowledge of in vitro-fertilization (IVF) and test-tube babies. The participants generally have heard about IVF. There are about 83. 3% students know about this topic as can be seen in the results, the ridiculous thing is that there are five students who have never heard of IVF, but one of them knew the process involved in making a test-tube baby. Questions 3 to 13 were probing and in-depth in order to obtain the participant’s sincere and knowledgeable reaction to each question.It was rewarding to see that so many agreed with the IVF program and its aims and benefits. In addition, a high percentage of participants were neutral about many of these questions. This could have meant that they really didn’t know a great deal about IVF or weren’t sure of the answer. Questions 14 through to 19 extended the questioning into the sphere of Government funding. Here 70% of males and 80% of females believed that the Government should provide funding for the IVF program. 6 months to 1 year in Question 18 seems a short time time for most to choose, however this would reflect the experience of the participants.The respondents were generally concerned about this topical issue and its bearing on modern society. They all saw the positive outcome where couples could become happy and have a baby of their own. They concerned themselves with the possibility of defective babies being born. Their eagerness to be involved in the questionnaire showed the openness which they had in being part of the solution to any problem involving IVF. Because their was no influence give by other parties to participants in answering the 20 questions, it can be said that this was a survey with genuine results.Notwithstanding that there were factors which did not fit in exactly with the aim of the survey, such as the young age of some participants along with people having limited knowledge there was sufficient suitable data collected to give a commendable result. The language used in the questionnaire was understood by all participants. Key words such as: in-vitro fertilization, partially, afflicts, infertile, federal funding, prohibitive, DNA did not require any explanation, however some Asian students did request help in sentence meanings.Most people showed a basic understanding on what IVF was meant to do; that is to enable pregnancy to take place, surprisingly in the same question, number 16 very few saw any real concern for safety, acknowledging the medical competency that exist with this program. Recommendation As the findings have indicated, most people were concerned with couples having the need to have a baby if they so desired. It would therefore be in the interest of the â€Å"powers to be,† that Government and medical bodies proceed vigorously with greater implementation and assistance for the IVF program.Question 17 showed that most participants saw two important concerns; that of costing, and concern for babies having defects. Both government and medical procedures can overcome these potential barriers with more funding and improved research respectively. I t is interesting to note that in question 13, 30% of females strongly disagreed with the concept of the IVF program producing babies as if they were some kind of commodity or product. No males registered any comment.It appears from this statistic that there is no need to educate people further on this ethical side of any argument brought forward. It can be deduced that the data obtained will in some way enlighten readers of this survey, thus strengthening the argument for a continued IVF program existing in the forefront of society for years to come. . The implications of these results are that more research needs to be carried out to provide a more comprehensive understanding of how other age groups see the IVF program.There could also be surveys done involving those of mixed ethnic backgrounds as well as those of different religions and those with ethical and moral demands. Such surveys would need to address a different kind of questioning but it would still be a recommended that can be made here. Researches in the field of Social Science would definitely find this convincing survey beneficial in exploring the human condition surrounding the human condition, be it only for the point of view of 30 young people.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Arthur Andersen

ARTHUR ANDERSEN LLP CASE STUDY DUE: Sunday, May 12, 11:59pm 1. Discuss the environment, strategic, and organizational changes that occurred over the life of Andersen in the context of figure 11. 1. 2. Evaluate Andersen’s claim that their problems on the Enron audit were due to a few â€Å"bad partners† in the organization. If you disagree with this claim, discuss what you think were the root causes of the problem. 3. Suppose you were Andersen’s managing partner in the early 1990s.Would you have done anything differently than the actual management (assuming you knew only what they did at time)? 4. Discuss the relationship between what happened at Andersen and multitask principles agent theory. 5. Discuss the relation between the â€Å"hard† and â€Å"soft† elements of a firm’s corporate culture in the context of this case. 6. Do you think that the problems at Andersen were unique to them or did they exist at the other big accounting firms?Supp ose you were top partner at one of the major accounting firms at that time of Andersen’s demise. What actions, if any, would you take in response? Explain. 7. In 2000, the SEC proposed new regulations that would limit consulting work by accounting firms. This proposal was not passed by Congress. Do you think that the legislators were trying to act in the public interest when they failed to pass this proposal? Explain. 8.The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants is the primary professional association for certified public accountants. It has developed a Code of professional conduct that sets standards of conduct for CPAs. People can file complaints about ethical conduct of a CPA with the AICPA, which can levy sanction and other penalties against its members. Do you think the unethical conduct at Andersen (and possibly other accounting firms) was the fault of the AICA for not setting and enforcing higher ethical standards among its members?Explain. 9. The Sarbanes- Oxley Act of 2002 established a new five –person board to oversee financial accounting in publicly traded corporations. The board is appointed by the Securities and Exchanges Commission. Prior to the creation of this board the industry relied primarily on self-regulation through the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Do you think the establishment of the new oversight board was a good idea or should the profession have continued to be self-regulated?

Friday, November 8, 2019

Bo Jackson essays

Bo Jackson essays 1985 - Winner of the 51st annual Heisman Memorial Trophy as the Outstanding College Football Player in America ... Consensus All-American, tabbed by KODAK Coaches', Football News, Walter Camp, Football Writers, AP and UPI ... The Sporting News College Football Player-of-the-Year ... Walter Camp Outstanding Player-of-the-Year ... AP and UPI All-SEC selection ... Top vote-getter on SEC Coaches' All-SEC team Leading rusher (162.4 yd. gm.), leading scorer (9.3 p/gm.) and leading all~purpose runner (169.0 yd./gm.) in Southeastern Conference ... Rushed for 1,786 yards on 278 carries and scored 17 touchdowns on the season ... Top game came against Southwestern Louisiana in opener with 290 yards on 23 carries and four TD's....... Set new Auburn single-season rushing record with his 1985 total.. Became first Auburn back ever to rush in excess of 4,000 yards in a career ... Rushed in excess of 100 yards on eight occasions, an Auburn record .. Had four 200-plus games in 1985... Suffered knee i njury vs. Tennessee which forced him to miss most of the second half of the game ... Also was hampered by injury (bruised thigh) vs. Florida and East Carolina ... Played second half of Georgia game and all of Alabama Indoor Track 1983 Baseball l985- Considered one of the premier players in college baseball ... Starting centerfielder throughout th...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

10 Unprofessional Habits That Could Get You Fired

10 Unprofessional Habits That Could Get You Fired We all have bad habits. And no single one will ever cost you your livelihood. But chances are we have other habits we might not be aware of, and there are some of these that could make you seem just unprofessional enough to cost you. Take a look at this list of particularly glaring habits and make sure that if you have any, you don’t have many. And start trying to correct anything that could deem you unprofessional at work.1. ProcrastinatingWe all do this to some extent or another. And it can actually increase productivity when done in a constructive way. But if you’re a chronic putter-offer, chances are your output and performance are slipping and you should probably think about getting more things done each day.2. LyingThere is really no excuse for lying. Chances are you will get caught, and there is almost never an excuse good enough to justify this behavior. Never misrepresent yourself, your experience or credentials. Never take credit for anyone else’s work. Never fudge the numbers. And don’t call in sick unless you’re sick. Keep it clean and keep your job.3. TardinessWhether you roll in 10 minutes late to every meeting or you’re just always a little late for the 9 a.m. clock-in, you’re showing your boss and coworkers that their time is less valuable than yours- all because you just had to spend that extra five minutes with your curling iron or to get your latte for your commute. Be on time and keep everyone sweet.4. GrumblingNobody likes a negative coworker. If you’re complaining all the time, or you just have a consistently negative outlook toward almost everything, you’ll lose allies very quickly. Everyone gripes now and then. Just don’t make it a habit- or worse, a personality trait.5. SlovenlinessIs hygiene not your top priority? Do you sometimes skip the shower or wear clothes past when they should have ended up in the wash? Don’t. Groom yourself. Practice good hygiene. Make sure you smell nice and look clean. And make sure your workspace reflects the same high standards. Nobody wants to work with a slob.6. SwearingYeah, yeah, we know that the f word is basically the most common adjective of your generation. But try to refrain from cursing at work. To the wrong ears, it will always grate. And it does make you look quite unprofessional. Your boss might not want a potty mouth representing the company.7. Personal StuffRemember that the office is a place of business. Don’t spend valuable time on personal calls or yammer on to your coworkers about relationship problems or health problems or your divorce. Keep that for happy hour with your friends. And don’t turn your workplace into a middle school lunchroom. Cliques are so eighth grade.8. StealingNo brainer, right? But this rule includes not raiding the supply closet or sneaking communal things or taking someone else’s fruit from the fridge. You can get fired for a lot less than outrigh t embezzlement.9. Bad CommunicationIf you can’t write a professional grown-up email and express yourself either out loud or on paper, then you’re not going to make it far in the working world. Strike a balance between monosyllabic and too verbose. Use proper punctuation and capitalization and grammar. Spell check. And be a good correspondent- thorough, professional, and punctual with your responses.10. Bad MannersYou may think this is so 1950, but having good manners can get you pretty far in life- and having bad ones can occasionally cost you a job. When eating, chatting, working, etc. make sure your manners are up to snuff. Don’t interrupt people. Say â€Å"excuse me† or â€Å"pardon.† Don’t pry and don’t be rude.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Italo calvino and Artist Thomas hirschorn both indicate an interest in Essay

Italo calvino and Artist Thomas hirschorn both indicate an interest in open systems.Compare and account of this shared interest - Essay Example For example there are the so-called "time-based media" of film, performance, dance and theatre which demand a particular kind of investment from the viewer, both in concentration and in the amount of time that is needed to experience them. However, as one study showed, the average amount of time that a viewer spends in front of a painting is about four seconds. Can this brief exposure to the work of art be compared to, for example the four hours that it takes to view The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Also, different kinds of Art involve contrasting investments of time from the artist. Thus a painting is an essentially solitary creation that may take many hours, days or even months to complete - all for that four seconds viewing time. The artist in this case is distilling a particular experience of vision of the world into a picture that will only be seen for a few seconds. Paintings outside of museums will obviously be seen by their owners more often than this four seconds, but an image on wall becomes a part of their life, floating in and out of perception as the person goes about their life from day to day. Such a painting is constant work of art within the context of the viewer as compared to the temporary work found in the museum painting or even the longest film. One major question is whether the discrepancies of our experiences of time can be put down solely to the shortcomings of perception or whether it is the common, but incorrect, assumption that time is measurable that is the source of the confusion. Thomas Hirschhorn has been a leader in exploring the relationship between time, perception and space within the work of art. Within the group of artists called Grapus he was concerned with politics and culture, displaying what were essentially impromptu posters, paintings and collages on the streets using both the form and language of advertising. This was Art that was not tied to a particular place, and thus which did not demand to be "looked at" in the way that a traditional painting is. His early works could (and often were) seen by people who were just casually walking down the street, not expecting to indulge in the heightened expectations of Art. This was art as a commonplace part of the environment, designed to take it away from the rarefied atmosphere of the art gallery or museum. Leaving Grapus he moved to the hyper-saturated installations that he is known for today. These use a variety of common materials such as cardboard, duct tape, foil and plastic wrap. The use of common materials within art is hardly unique to Hirschhorn of course, but he manner in which he places his works of art outside of the gallery, making them site-specific implies a kind of double removal from the normal "time" and "place" of art. These works of art are thus open systems that are limited by neither time nor space. He has commented upon his work in the following manner: I do not want to invite or oblige viewers to become interactive with what I do; I do not want to activate the public. I want to give of myself to such a degree that viewers confronted with the work can take part and become involved, but not as actors. (Buchloh, 2004) He has also stated his

Friday, November 1, 2019

Rolls-Royce Corporation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Rolls-Royce Corporation - Assignment Example The richer airlines which can afford its huge price tag will get tremendous fuel savings (by flying non-stop 8,000 miles), a higher efficiency (fewer crew needed as each plane can carry up to 550 passengers), less stop overs and thereby save on airport landing fees that results in greater economic viability. The savings derived can thus be used to counteract budget airlines which operate on lower costs. For the poor countries, creative financing schemes can be made available for them, like barter (part cash and part payment in kind, such as mining or agricultural commodities). Financing can also be arranged for them, such as through the World Bank at very concessional rates or through its private subsidiary, International Finance Corporation (IFC). For both types of customers (rich airlines and newer but poorer airlines), a main drawback or disincentive is the price which can run into several million dollars. To help address this concern, Rolls-Royce can help them obtain financing at favorable terms, either by syndicated loans, leases (wet, dry, operating, option, walk-away, etc.) or direct government guarantees (U.S. ITC 9). It can manage these various stakeholders based on the degree of interest and power it wields on the particular project, based on the four quadrants as shown in Figure 1 below. This simple yet effective tool is for creating a sense of priority amid the jumble of conflicting and often contradictory demands and maps the several stakeholders; it can simplify the task by the order of priority based on the classification of their individual concerns (Bourne 65). In a final analysis, what keeps all stakeholders together is open, timely and accurate information as it is now considered a necessary prerequisite for corporate success because not only goods and services are exchanged in return for money but also